Wife goes fishing with her fisherman husband,
They two have 5 children in the age of
14 years old, 9 years old, 5 years old, 3 years old, and 1 month old.

The fishing industry relies on the weather,
When the tide is high, with strong wind and waves, it is impossible to go catch fish.
The mother, worried about her child's subsistence, and seek help from ONE HOPE CHARITY.

Our team found that,
They use very old cooking methods,
Burning firewood to cook.

After a home visit,
Our team provided a pack of rice, Food-Box-with-Love, and a rice cooker immediately.
So that the family can fulfill their stomach.

ONE HOPE CHARITY will continue to keep eye on this family,
Thanks to the generous donors,
This donation is a godsend for the needy.

If there are any poor or needy who need food box/bag welcome to apply from us. Any assistance please contact our hotline 016-419 2192, 019-232 2192, 04-5399212.

Essential Items Assistance 2022 February