A 29-year-old Malay woman suffered from frequent fever and backbone pain 5 years ago. After examination at the hospital, it was diagnosed that her spine was infected with bacteria. She needed surgery to remove the fragmented spine and then fix it with a pedicle screw.

She worked as usual after recovering. However, 3 years ago, she felt pain again in the affected area. After the examination, it was found that the affected area had pus. In July 2021, she underwent surgery again to replace the pedicle screw. But this time, she was unable to move her lower body after the operation and paralyzed in bed.

Her 33-year-old husband used to work in a factory, but was forced to resign to take care of his paralyzed wife and his 3-year-old daughter at home. Her husband applied for a hospital bed a few days ago so that his wife could have a comfortable resting.

If there are any poor or needy who need medical equipment such as hospital beds, wheelchairs, crutches, oxygen machines, special milk powder, diapers welcome to apply from us. Any assistance please contact our hotline 016-419 2192, 019-232 2192, 04-5399212.

Medical Assistant 2022 January