“I am truly touched by your kindness to help our baby, without regard for race and religion.”

Newborn boy Muhammad Aidan Saqeef Bin Mohamad Syafirza who suffers from severe heart disease is still receiving treatment and observation in the intensive care unit. The doctor will perform heart surgery on him once his condition is suitable.

The baby boy has complicated heart disease. The doctor informed the parents that their child needs to undergo three heart repair surgeries by stages, and the priority now is to undergo the first surgery as soon as possible.

During the observation period, the baby boy had some situations such as vomiting and shortness of breath, and the condition was critical. Therefore, the surgery needs to be arranged as soon as possible.

The medical expenses are something that the parents, Mohamad Syafirza Bin Sazali and Aida Sabrina Binti Alwi cannot afford. They were helpless and approached One Hope Charity for help.

One Hope Charity initiated a fundraising for him a few days ago, which received tremendous response from well-wishers and donations came pouring in quickly, so the RM90,000 has been successfully raised. His parents are very grateful to all well-wishers for helping them regardless of race and religion.

Part 1:Fundraising