"Seeing his healthy and lovely appearance, we will remember that it is because of the help of One Hope and the public, so that our son will grow up healthy."

Wan Muhammad Imran bin Zulaffandy, a baby boy from Ulu Kinta, Perak, was diagnosed with Prematurity with Respiratory Distress Syndrome (PRD) after birth because the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck, causing bluish-blue hypoxia throughout his body.

Because the private birth center did not have enough equipment to provide oxygen assistance, and the baby's condition was very urgent and dangerous at the time, the doctor suggested that he be transferred to the nearest specialized hospital for emergency treatment. Although his life was saved after the rescue, his condition was still unstable and his organs were not fully developed. He needed to receive treatment in an incubator for up to 2 weeks.

The baby is doing well during the treatment and has been discharged from the hospital recently. He was discharged from the hospital in the arms of his parents and returned home to be reunited with his four sisters. His parents are very grateful for the donations from the public, allowing the baby to embrace this little life.

Part 1:Fundraising

Part 2:Fundraising Completed