Indian baby Yahkkesh A/L Elangovan, who was born on New Year day, was diagnosed with transient tachypnea of newborn (TTN) and pneumonia after birth and needed to be treated in a special incubator. Fortunately, he received donations and prayers from well-wishers which allowed him to receive his treatments. The two-month-old baby boy is very adorable.

The mother of this baby boy from Sungai Siput in Perak, experienced breathing difficulty at the time of delivery and he was born in respiratory distress. Both mother and son were sent for emergency rescue; the mother was saved but the baby boy was diagnosed with transient tachypnea of newborn (TTN) and pneumonia, and he needed to undergo treatment in a special incubator.

One Hope Charity helped baby Yahkkesh to raise RM38,000 for his medical expenses after receiving the help request from the family. After two weeks of special treatment, the baby boy is allowed to go home.

Baby Yahkkesh is now two months old and he is very adorable. His parents also followed the Indian’s custom and placed a black bindi on his forehead, hoping that he can grow up healthy and happy.

One Hope Charity and Yahkkesh’s parents are very grateful to all well-wishers who lend a helping hand regardless of race or religion, so that baby Yahkkesh and his family could get through the difficult time.

Part 1:Fundraising

PART 2 : Fundraising Completed