Urgent Fundraising – Low Wei Jie (Acute Myeloid Leukemia)



“I have never thought that I would suffer from leukaemia as none of my family members has ever suffered from blood cancer. I once could not accept it and always cried for a long time. With the encouragement of my family and friends and my trust in the advancement of modern medication, I hope that I can live longer and even have my own family. Please help me!”

32-year-old Low Wei Jie from Air Itam, Penang, was a regional sales manager based on the East Coast of Malaysia. In December last year, he often felt sore feet and back and knee pain. After that, Wei Jie had a toothache and swollen gums. The problems did not improve after he sought medical treatment. Instead, his lymph nodes began to swell.

He was working in Kuantan then. After seeking treatment at Kuantan Hospital, the doctor initially suspected he had blood cancer. Later, he returned to Penang for a detailed examination, and the doctor diagnosed him with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). The diagnosis caught him off guard, and the doctor recommended he undergo a bone marrow transplant that cost RM280,000.

【Wei Jie is the only son; he has no siblings. His parents are senior citizens, so he can only rely on the bone marrow bank to find matching bone marrow for transplantation】

Wei Jie started to experience various symptoms in December last year. However, he thought those were symptoms of Covid-19, so he did not seek medical treatment until he developed swollen gums and toothache. Wei Jie went to a clinic near his home twice, yet there was no improvement in his condition. Instead, his lower jaw started swelling, so he went to Kuantan Hospital to see a doctor. The doctor initially suspected that he had blood cancer after performing a blood test.

He then returned to Penang and visited a specialist hospital for a detailed examination. The doctor confirmed he had leukaemia. The doctor recommended chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation. The cost of each chemotherapy was RM100,000. His personal insurance coverage was only RM100,000 per annum and RM800,000 for life, so the insurance could not cover his entire treatment. Hence, he requested the doctor to refer him to a government hospital.

The doctor told him that he needed at least four stages of chemotherapy, each lasting seven days. He would then need to stay in the hospital for observation for two to three weeks, then return home to recuperate for a few days before continuing the next stage of chemotherapy to eliminate cancer cells in his body. After that, he can continue with the bone marrow transplant surgery.

As Wei Jie is the only son, the doctor has enrolled him in the Bone Marrow Donor Programme (BMDP) so that he can find a matching bone marrow from a bone marrow bank in Singapore. Once they find a matching bone marrow, he will undergo the transplant at a hospital in Kuala Lumpur.

His 63-year-old father, Low Beng Hoe, was a retired tour bus driver. He was involved in an accident and had a cast iron brace on his left foot. Now, he has slight mobility difficulty. His 59-year-old mother, Ewe Poh Choo, is a tailor, earning about RM2,000 monthly.

Wei Jie was initially a salesman. After three years of hard work, he was promoted to regional sales manager with a monthly salary of RM7,900. However, since he became ill, he has taken all his sick leave and annual leave and must be temporarily on unpaid leave. As his medical expenses were substantial, he is facing financial difficulties. Hence, he hopes to receive help from the public with RM280,000 in treatment fees.

After reviewing the case following a home visit, One Hope Charity decided to assist him in raising the medical expenses he needed. His family agreed to fully authorise One Hope Charity to take charge of the fundraising and collect donations from the well-wishers on their behalf.

One Hope Charity has allocated RM20,000 from the Emergency Medical Reserve Fund for the case. If you have questions, call One Hope Charity’s hotline at 04-539 9212, 016-419 2192, 019-232 2192 and 018-911 4192.

GOAL achieved thanks for all your donations