A 4-month-old baby boy named Dylan Ooi underwent a successful heart repair surgery on August 11th. After a challenging recovery period in the intensive care unit, he was finally discharged from the hospital on August 17th.

Despite the initial pain and discomfort from the surgery, Dylan is described as a lively and adorable baby. Over time, as he continues to recover, his wounds have healed, and he has become more cheerful and active.

Dylan's parents are immensely grateful to the community for extending their help to treat their baby. He has now overcome his heart condition, and they hope for his safe and healthy upbringing.

The young couple, celebrating the arrival of their bundle of joy, was surprised when their 4-month-old baby developed a fever and cough. After seeking medical advice, a doctor detected a heart murmur, which led to further tests confirming that the baby had congenital heart disease. The hole in his heart had grown from 3.5 millimeters to 6.5 millimeters in just two months, causing great concern for the parents. Dylan Ooi, from Kampung Selamat in northern Malaysia, required a heart repair surgery.