Happy 2nd birthday, Eloise! We wish you health and growth happily!

The 24-week-old premature baby Eloise Ang Xuan Rui is now two years old in 2021. He has not only learned to walk like other children, but also to stomp his feet and dance.

Eloise Ang Xuan Rui, a premature baby had previously followed the development of children her age in all aspects of development, except for her esotropia and intestinal gas.

Eloise learned to walk in August of last year, and her growth index was normal. Eloise had eye correction surgery on the eve of the winter solstice last December with the help of ONE HOPE CHARITY. Her eye problems improved as a result of the surgery.

Eloise had an intestinal gas attack on New Year's Eve this year. The family spent an unforgettable Lunar New Year in the hospital after being admitted. The doctor used manipulation to temporarily relieve Eloise's pain before returning home the next day to celebrate the New Year. The doctor has scheduled Eloise for small intestinal gas surgery on February 8 of this year, with the hope that everything goes well.

After two years, ONE HOPE CHARITY has continued to monitor Eloise's situation and has assisted in arranging various medical examinations. The parents were also very active in reporting Eloise's current situation. The parents expressed their gratitude to ONE HOPE CHARITY for helping to make the world a better place. They are also grateful to Eloise for being able to meet ONE HOPE CHARITY and the kind-hearted people in society, allowing the baby who was born as big as a palm to grow up strong.

One Hope Charity, as well as Eloise's parents and relatives, would like to thank everyone who has been so generous yet again. The active donation and encouragement at the outset enabled the child to survive this disaster. Now she grows up healthy and is under the care of enthusiastic people.