"Thank you, we hope that a miracle will appear and Evonne To can live a normal life, and we will be strong with her!"

The 3-year-old girl Evonne To from Jitra, Kedah was in the fetus, and the mother's prenatal examination was all normal. Unexpectedly, Evonne To had frequent fever, cough and phlegm after birth. The test found a bacterial infection in the lungs, and she relied on medication. When the baby was 8 months old, she had a sudden seizure, and even had shortness of breath. She was intubated for emergency treatment, and repeated tests confirmed that a chromosomal defect caused hereditary epilepsy (symptomic genetic epilepsy).

Due to epileptic seizures and a series of complications, Evonne To needs long-term use of multiple medical equipment, such as wheelchairs, special milk powder, gastroesophageal tubes that need to be replaced for a long time, physical therapy, etc.

Faced with their child's flaws, the parents are not only silently saddened, but they can't just give up their child and ask for help. As Evonne To's medical expenses of RM120,000 have been fully funded, the parents are very moved and grateful for the generosity of the public.