58-year-old Tham Lian Tong passed away in the hospital due to a bacterial heart infection. His only son received a call from the hospital in the midnight, rushed to see his father for the last time, and out of concern for not disturbing the staff's rest time, he sat alone outside the mortuary until 9am before finally contacting One Hope Charity for assistance with his father's final arrangements.

The deceased, Mr. Tham, was a night market fruit seller, and his wife suffered from severe depression. Their only son worked as a construction laborer.

When Mr. Tham fell ill, his sister sought medical assistance from One Hope Charity on his behalf. Unfortunately, he passed away in the hospital due to the severity of his condition.

Upon receiving the son's plea for help, One Hope Charity gathered donations from kind-hearted individuals to handle all funeral arrangements for the deceased.

One Hope Charity makes good use of donations from generous individuals to provide assistance for funeral expenses and follows the religious beliefs and family wishes of the deceased in handling all posthumous matters.

The spontaneous donations from kind-hearted individuals across the region enable One Hope Charity to provide timely assistance to disadvantaged and impoverished families in emergencies, ensuring a dignified farewell for the deceased and end-of-life care for elderly individuals without support.

Furthermore, if there are impoverished families who are unable to arrange post-life affairs for their deceased relatives or if elderly individuals living alone require pre-registration, they can contact our hotline at 016-920 29202, 019-232 2192, or 04-539 9212 for assistance.