The 13-year-old girl, Lee Xin Lin, who suffers from congenital heart disease, has been scheduled for surgery by the National Heart Center. Despite her fear, she remains remarkably strong and envisions a brighter future. Fond of drawing, she aspires to become a doctor to save lives, with a second choice of becoming a chef.

With the required surgery funds of RM70,000 already raised, the parents, while concerned about their child's condition, are deeply grateful for the public's assistance. They hope that after the surgery, their child's blood circulation will be good, and her overall health will improve.

Hailing from Penang, the 13-year-old girl, Lee Xin Lin, who appears delicate and sweet, was diagnosed with congenital heart disease from a young age. She has successfully undergone four heart repair surgeries and safely navigated 13 years of growth. Now, she needs another surgery to adjust and manage the blood flow in her heart.