In 2018, Firdaus Lau bin Abdullah, a 61-year-old man from Pudu, Kuala Lumpur, experienced sudden throat pain, rendering him unable to speak or eat properly. After seeking medical attention, he was diagnosed with throat cancer, with surgery being the only viable solution. However, the operation resulted in the permanent loss of his vocal cords.

Firdaus, a heavy smoker for 40 years, mostly indulged in cheap cigarettes, likely contributing to his illness. Since his surgery, he has relied on an electronic voice prosthesis to communicate, but recently, the device malfunctioned, and replacement parts are no longer available. This setback has plunged him back into a silent world, limiting his interactions to gestures and simple written messages.

Divorced and with a daughter who has her own family, Firdaus struggles to cover his living expenses. He earns a meager income by selling various items like masks, umbrellas, and scissors at the market. On good days, he can earn up to RM70, but during bad weather or slow business periods, even RM10 is considered fortunate.

With his modest earnings, Firdaus struggles to afford rent, transportation, and daily necessities, let alone a new electronic voice prosthesis.

Upon receiving his plea for help, the ONE HOPE CHARITY conducted a home visit and decided to provide him with a new electrolarynx, enabling him to communicate and sustain his livelihood.

If there are any poor or needy who need medical equipment such as hospital beds, wheelchairs, crutches, oxygen machines, special milk powder, diapers welcome to apply from us. Any assistance please contact our hotline 016-419 2192, 019-232 2192, 04-5399212.