After a month in the hospital, a baby with congenital heart disease was finally able to recover and was discharged home to reunite with his family.

Muhamad Fierzuan Mustaqim Bin Muhamad Fikhri, a baby boy from Kedah, was born with severe congenital heart disease. He was rushed to the ICU before he could open his eyes. On December 29, he had heart repair surgery and the surgery went well.

The doctor informed the parents that the child's condition is critical and that there are risks involved. However, the child would not survive without surgery. The baby's life, however, was not to be taken. The baby's condition was stable following surgery. On January 2, the baby boy passed the critical period and was transferred to the general ward for observation. On January 5, he was released from the hospital and reunited with his family.

He is now three months old and his parents' little sweetheart. His parents no longer frown. These are the positive messages spread by the general public. Thank you for your donation, and we hope that the baby grows up safely and healthily.