"With donations and encouragement regardless of race, we believe that Muhammad Aliff Uwais will pass this stage smoothly. This is also the best Eid blessing we have received."

Muhammad Aliff Uwais Bin Munir Ezzuany, a 10-month-old baby boy living in Bayan Lepas, Penang, is in critical condition. Doctor was arranged to undergo surgery in early May.

After being married for 9 years and looking forward to having a child, the child was born with severe congenital heart disease. When the child drinks milk, he will become cyanotic all over his body and his lips will turn purple. For the past ten months, the baby boy has been drinking milk through a catheter to avoid increasing the burden on the heart.

The RM70,000 surgery fee for the child has been fully funded. We are grateful to the public for their generosity, regardless of race, in assisting them and working together to build a caring society.