“Luth has completed the surgery, and the wound has healed. We no longer need to worry about him turning blue when crying. Thank you all very much for your help and blessings!”

Nine-month-old baby boy Muhd Luth Ummar from Butterworth, Penang, successfully underwent heart surgery on December 21st. He was transferred to a regular ward on December 23rd and, after 6 days of observation, he was discharged on December 29th to reunite with his family.

The baby boy was eager to meet his parents and explore the world, arriving prematurely at 33 weeks gestation. During his 30-day stay in the incubator, doctors discovered three holes in his heart. Despite medication, by the age of 8 months, the holes hadn’t closed, leading to a diagnosis that urgent surgery was necessary to prevent bacterial infection and to keep him safe.

With the donations and blessings from the general public, the baby boy was successfully undergoing surgery to save his life. On the 8th of this month, he, along with his parents, visited One Hope Charity’s office to express their gratitude.