A heartfelt thank-you letter, expressing the parents' deep gratitude to the public!

Ng Yee Ang, a baby boy from Raja Uda, Butterworth, was at risk due to meconium aspiration syndrome when he was born. Thankfully, with the assistance of the public, Yee Ang received the necessary treatment and has fully recovered.

Recently, his parents brought the adorable Yee Ang and a thank-you note to One Hope Charity's service center to express their gratitude for the support, prayers, and encouragement they received from the community during their difficult times.

Baby Yee Ang had to have meconium, which he aspirated during birth, cleared from his lungs and body to survive. As the first child born to his parents after their marriage, his time in the hospital was a difficult period for his family. They did their best to raise the money required for his medical expenses, but it was still insufficient.

Turning to One Hope Charity for assistance, Yee Ang's parents were granted the help they needed after home visits and assessments. One Hope Charity decided to extend their support and help them raise the remaining RM30,000 for the medical expenses. The parents are deeply grateful for the warm-hearted individuals who contributed funds.

The family's profound gratitude is all captured in the "thank-you letter," without elaborate grammar but brimming with sincere thanks. One Hope Charity send the best wishes for Yee Ang's healthy growth, bringing joy to the Ng family.