Started operating on July 26 and continued until September 30, One Hope Charity Vaccination Centre (PPV One Hope Charity) has completed its historical mission after 10 weeks of operations and officially wrapped up today (October 8).

One Hope Charity & Welfare chairman Dato’ Chua Sui Hau said that knowing that setting up a vaccination centre was not an easy task, but his team still decided to take up the huge responsible so that they could assist Penang to speed up the vaccination rate.

He said that the vaccination centre started to provide Covid-19 vaccinations to the public on July 26 and completed the second dose of vaccinations on September 30; and today (October 8) is a special operation to vaccinate those who were unable to attend for their second dose as scheduled. On the same day, the organisation also gave out certificates of appreciation to all the medical personnel and volunteers.

“Throughout this period, I am very thankful to everyone for your cooperation and supports. May it be the medical team, volunteers or RELA, all of you remained steadfast in your position, which contributed to the success of the vaccination centre. In these 10 weeks, I am very grateful that there was no Covid-19 outbreak at the vaccination centre. This is the result of all volunteers working together.”

Dato’ Chua Sui Hau said that after 10 weeks of working together, the volunteers have also cultivated a deep relationship with each other. Many have to accept the closing of the vaccination centre with a heavy heart. Some volunteers also said that they are willing to return as volunteers for One Hope Charity as long as the organisation needed them in the future.