"I am extremely grateful to the public for its assistance prior to the surgery." We will do everything we can in the future to contribute back to society and assist those in need."

Siew Sok Wai was nervous about the approaching ventricular septal defect (VSD) occlusion surgery, which was also her first. Fortunately, the assistance she need was provided by passionate individuals, allowing her to temporarily relax and focus on the operation preparation.

Sok Wai hopes that her family will no longer treat her with caution in the future and that she will be able to enjoy some family gatherings and that her acts will be no different from those of ordinary people.

Sok Wai inherited the family's problem with heart holes. She went to the hospital for follow-up appointments on a regular basis throughout her youth, and so on until her body began to change when she started to work. Faced with long hours of work and pressure, numerous medical ailments forced her to quit her job and work at home as a nanny.

Due to her urgent condition, the doctor has scheduled her surgery for this Sunday, May 14th, and all necessary funding has been raised. She and her family are very appreciative of the public's donations and well wishes, which gave her the confidence and everyone's blessings to carry out the surgery.