"Thank you to the public for sponsoring the medication I need. The doctor has recommended that I take medication for at least a year. I look forward to receiving good news from the doctor that I have recovered and no longer need medication."

Tang Beng Teong, a 65-year-old man from Penang, collapsed last year and was rushed to the hospital. Tests revealed that his liver tumor had ruptured, causing internal bleeding. Doctors performed surgery to stop the bleeding and diagnosed him with liver cancer. Subsequently, he underwent surgery to remove cancer cells and was prescribed oral chemotherapy medications to suppress the spread of cancer cells.

Normally, cancer cells have a two-year latency period in the body. According to him, he has been taking medication for about six months, and the doctor has informed him that the results are very good, with only minor side effects and no spread of cancer cells.

Despite being in the late stage of liver cancer and having had 40% of his liver removed, Tang Beng Teong has not experienced much pain. His complexion is not only rosy, but he also walks briskly, which is considered a miracle.

With the medication costs he needs now fully funded, One Hope Charity will cease fundraising efforts as of today. He expresses heartfelt thanks to the public for their assistance.