2024 Emergency Medical Reserve Fund (May-June)

Certain sicknesses or diseases come without warning such as stroke, accidents, and heart attacks. Patients usually require emergency treatment to save their lives else they may face the risk of death or serious complications

To ensure that a patient can receive proper treatment in a swift manner to reduce suffering and save lives, One Hope Charity & Welfare had decided to set up an emergency medical reserve fund. The fund will be strictly used for needy families who require urgent medical attention.

Applications will be checked and approved by One Hope Charity before allocating the funds to help patients. The details & reports of the case will also be updated accordingly to ensure that the generous donors will get to know the whereabouts of the funds.

When donors are having difficulties in selecting funds to donate, donors are encouraged to donate to this fund through our official website or mobile app to ensure that needy patients can obtain proper treatments. The details and reports will be posted to our official website and mobile apps.