Urgent Fundraising – Hung Bak Chuan (Lymphoma)



A pillar of a family, 64-year-old Hung Bak Chuan, was unexpectedly diagnosed with lymphoma. Initially, they thought the treatment had reached a conclusion, but unfortunately, the condition relapsed. The tumor spread to the chest cavity, and complications of inflammation and ulceration arose. Urgent progress into the next phase of treatment to suppress the tumor is needed, with a plea for RM60,670 for medication.

This unforeseen illness dealt a heavy blow to the modest family. Hung Bak Chuan, from Penang to Kuala Lumpur seeking medical treatment, not only became unable to work but also depleted the couple's savings during the treatment spanning over a year. This situation forced their children, who are still studying, to partially work and borrow student loans.

After a series of treatments, the couple initially believed that the ordeal had come to an end. However, to their dismay, tumors began to appear in the chest cavity and were gradually increasing in size. They are now compelled to continue intensive treatment in Kuala Lumpur, but they are financially unable to bear the upcoming medical expenses.

【Health warning signs are flashing as the condition worsens, necessitating intensified treatment after several months of therapy. The patient can only travel from Penang to Kuala Lumpur for more aggressive treatment】

In late 2022, Hung Bak Chuan from Balik Pulau, Penang, noticed swelling on the left side of his neck, which gradually increased in size. He initially thought the swelling would gradually disappear, but to his surprise, the affected area became inflamed and even developed wounds, causing immense pain. Upon medical examination, he was diagnosed with lymphoma and immediately started chemotherapy.

After completing the treatment, it was found that the effectiveness was not satisfactory, as the tumor could not be completely eliminated, and the condition continued to relapse. He was then referred to seek medical treatment in Kuala Lumpur. Around September last year, accompanied by his wife, Ooi Phaik Leng (60 years old), he traveled to Kuala Lumpur to undergo radiotherapy and cellular immunotherapy.

Ooi Phaik Leng mentioned that her husband did not have any history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, or hyperglycemia, nor did the family have any similar medical history. Initially, the couple had hoped that after treatment, they could return to Penang. However, due to the appearance of tumors of various sizes in Hung Bak Chuan's chest cavity and the worsening inflammation and ulceration of the swelling, their plans were disrupted.

Considering the urgency of his condition, the doctors recommended proceeding with the next phase of treatment as soon as possible, which involves precise targeted therapy combined with immunotherapy. However, the cost of this treatment is extremely high.

【With no income but mounting expenses, the couple has nearly depleted their savings, leaving their children to fend for themselves regarding education and living expenses】

Hung Bak Chuan originally worked as a piano tuner but was forced to stop working after falling ill. His wife, Ooi Phaik Leng, used to work part-time as a tutor, but she also had to stop working after accompanying her husband to seek medical treatment in Kuala Lumpur. With no income, the couple has been using their savings accumulated over the years to cover accommodation expenses, living expenses, transportation costs, and medical expenses in Kuala Lumpur.

They have fallen behind on their mortgage payments, and they are unable to afford their children's school fees and allowances. The couple has three children, with their eldest daughter, aged 28, currently job hunting. The other two children are still studying in college and have applied for student loans and are working part-time to pay their education fees. With their finances in a precarious situation, they are unable to afford the necessary medical expenses, leading to their referral to One Hope Charity.

After conducting a home visit and assessment, One Hope Charity has decided to extend assistance to Hung Bak Chuan by raising funds amounting to RM60,670 for his medication expenses. Hung Bak Chuan and his family have agreed to entrust the fundraising activities to One Hope Charity, and will oversee the collection of donations. For any inquiries, please contact our hotline at 04-539 9212, 016-4192 192, 019-2322 192, or 018-911 4192.

GOAL achieved thanks for all your donations