"I need to look after my daughter. I have to against cancer positively. Thank you for giving me a chance to survive and grow up with my daughter."

Teh Geik Choo, a 65-year-old single mother, has been raising her daughter alone since her husband passed away 10 years ago. Before she got cancer, she earned income by nursing her two disabled friends, but after being diagnosed with cervical cancer, she can only take care of one disabled friend due to physical problems.

She has surgically removed her uterus and completed chemotherapy, and currently needs medication. According to her medical report, her chances of recovery are quite high, and she will fight cancer optimism.

The RM65,470 required for her medicines had been raised, and the fundraising event will be stopped immediately. She is very grateful to the generous public for their donations so that she can continue to receive treatment.

Part 1:Fundraising