'Thank you, everyone, I will study hard in a return for all the donations and blessings.'

Yuvaneswary A/P Siva Kumar, an 18-year-old girl who has been diagnosed with Crohn's disease since she was 9 years old. She has to rely on medication to control her condition. Her family's savings have been exhausted after 2 years of treatment. The needed RM33,840 medication fee has been raised and stopped from now on.

There is no cure for Crohn’s disease. Medication treatment is the only way to relieve her from vomiting and diarrhea. She has not given up her study because of her illness. Instead, she studied harder and was successfully admitted to the Matrikulasi.

The family is very grateful to the kind-hearted people for their donations, regardless of race, religion, nor belief, for helping her so that she can continue to receive treatment.

Part 1:Fundraising